  • 联系人:周先生
  • 联系电话:13511560781
  • 地址:连云港市新浦区海昌南路28号(天然居南150米,金顿咖啡屋楼下)
Piano Buyer 中国启航(原创)
发布日期:2021-05-03 14:06:29    查看次数:2121

Hi. I’m Larry Fine, founder and publisher of Acoustic & Digital Piano Buyer and pianobuyer.com. I want to thank my many fans in China – piano lovers, piano tuners and technicians, piano dealers, and piano manufacturers – for their great support,  and to let them know that Piano Buyer now has official representation in the Chinese piano market. Piano Buyer China, directed by Zhou Ming, has the exclusive license to use the Piano Buyer name and logo in China, and to translate Piano Buyer into the Chinese language.


The goal of Piano Buyer is to educate the piano-buying public, and to make buying a piano easier, more enjoyable, safer, and more popular. I have confidence that, with your support, Piano Buyer China and Zhou Ming will achieve that goal. I urge you to give your full support to Piano Buyer China and its director, Zhou Ming.thank you

大家好。我是拉里·法恩,《原声和数字钢琴买家》和pianobuyer.com网站的作者. 我要感谢我在中国的众多粉丝,钢琴爱好者、钢琴调音师和技术人员、钢琴经销商和钢琴制造商——给予的大力支持,并让他们知道,pianobuyer现在在中国钢琴市场有了代表。由周明先生指导的pianobuyer中国公司拥有在中国使用pianobuyer名称和商标的独家许可,并将pianobuyer翻译成中文。



